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imes-icore News Stay up to date

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

| Company

Time to say thank you!

20 years imes-icore GmbH - Donation handover

| Company

20 years imes-icore GmbH Donation handover on the event of the company anniversary in favor of "Kleinen Helden e.V."

20 years of impressive growth and success

| Company

Great anniversary celebration of imes-icore GmbH with dinner, red carpet and tombola

Our future - The trainees of imes-icore GmbH

| Company

Training of our own junior staff began in August

CORiTEC AM series at LMT magazine

| Company

The CORiTEC AM100 metal 3D printer was published in LMT magazine


| Machines

imes-icore new business model for 3D metal printing “CORiTEC AM100 / AMpure”