Unique Platform with All Relevant CAD/CAM Technologies, Products and Services.
Intelligent machine management
Receive automatic software updates and benefit from warranty extensions.
Real-time machine status
Machine status can be called up at any time, milling chamber monitoring via integrated online camera.
Machine data, maintenance intervals, logbook, documents and much more. – Work faster and more productively!
Smart machine management FOR MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY
Job progress display & app: All milling processes at a glance. Access via an app on your mobile devices.
DSM Product Guide
With our interactive Product Selector, you can find your ideal CAD/CAM system in just a few clicks.
Just a few clicks will take you to your individual machine including all accessory combinations. You will receive the offer from your distributor.
Your simple workflow:
Your advantages at a glance:
Marketplace for ordering and selling products and services
24/7 ordering of products and services from the imes-icore group and DSM marketplace partners.
Management of machines, organisation, users, customers, leads, marketplace products, orders and much more.
Access to all machine related manuals, service manuals, sales and marketing information.
Create and manage customised user profiles through role and rights management.
You havequestions?
We're here to help!
your Questions. our Answers. your Success. Answers to the most FAQ's that will help you quickly.
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